Activities and attractions

In Prades

Hermitage of L'Abellera

Astronomical Park Muntanyes de Prades

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Foradada Rock

Cistercian route

Poblet Monastery

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Montblanc, medieval village

Font Major caves in l'Espluga

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Santes Creus Monastery

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Vallbona de les Monges Monaste

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Priorat wine-cultural route

Siurana, one of the most beautiful villages in Spain

Escaladei, Visit to La Cartoixa and the first Priorat wineries

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Vilella Baixa, the so-called "Manhattan del Priorat"

Falset, visit to the castle and cellars

Bellmunt mines, visit to the old mines

Routes from Prades of different difficulty

Gorgs de La Febró

Toll de l’Olla